Janet 1.17.1-e1c4fc2 Documentation
(Other Versions: 1.16.1 1.15.0 1.13.1 1.12.2 1.11.1 1.10.1 1.9.1 1.8.1 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.1 )

Buffer Module


buffer/bit buffer/bit-clear buffer/bit-set buffer/bit-toggle buffer/blit buffer/clear buffer/fill buffer/format buffer/new buffer/new-filled buffer/popn buffer/push buffer/push-byte buffer/push-string buffer/push-word buffer/slice buffer/trim

buffer/bit cfunction source
(buffer/bit buffer index)

Gets the bit at the given bit-index. Returns true if the bit is set, false if not.
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buffer/bit-clear cfunction source
(buffer/bit-clear buffer index)

Clears the bit at the given bit-index. Returns the buffer.
Community Examples

buffer/bit-set cfunction source
(buffer/bit-set buffer index)

Sets the bit at the given bit-index. Returns the buffer.
Community Examples

buffer/bit-toggle cfunction source
(buffer/bit-toggle buffer index)

Toggles the bit at the given bit index in buffer. Returns the buffer.
Community Examples

buffer/blit cfunction source
(buffer/blit dest src &opt dest-start src-start src-end)

Insert the contents of src into dest. Can optionally take indices that indicate which part of src to copy into which part of dest. Indices can be negative to index from the end of src or dest. Returns dest.
Community Examples

buffer/clear cfunction source
(buffer/clear buffer)

Sets the size of a buffer to 0 and empties it. The buffer retains its memory so it can be efficiently refilled. Returns the modified buffer.
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buffer/fill cfunction source
(buffer/fill buffer &opt byte)

Fill up a buffer with bytes, defaulting to 0s. Does not change the buffer's length. Returns the modified buffer.
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buffer/format cfunction source
(buffer/format buffer format & args)

Snprintf like functionality for printing values into a buffer. Returns the modified buffer.
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buffer/new cfunction source
(buffer/new capacity)

Creates a new, empty buffer with enough backing memory for capacity bytes. Returns a new buffer of length 0.
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buffer/new-filled cfunction source
(buffer/new-filled count &opt byte)

Creates a new buffer of length count filled with byte. By default, byte is 0. Returns the new buffer.
Community Examples

buffer/popn cfunction source
(buffer/popn buffer n)

Removes the last n bytes from the buffer. Returns the modified buffer.
Community Examples

buffer/push cfunction source
(buffer/push buffer & xs)

Push both individual bytes and byte sequences to a buffer. For each x in xs, push the byte if x is an integer, otherwise push the bytesequence to the buffer. Thus, this function behaves like both `buffer/push-string` and `buffer/push-byte`. Returns the modified buffer. Will throw an error if the buffer overflows.
Community Examples

buffer/push-byte cfunction source
(buffer/push-byte buffer & xs)

Append bytes to a buffer. Will expand the buffer as necessary. Returns the modified buffer. Will throw an error if the buffer overflows.
Community Examples

buffer/push-string cfunction source
(buffer/push-string buffer & xs)

Push byte sequences onto the end of a buffer. Will accept any of strings, keywords, symbols, and buffers. Returns the modified buffer. Will throw an error if the buffer overflows.
Community Examples

buffer/push-word cfunction source
(buffer/push-word buffer & xs)

Append machine words to a buffer. The 4 bytes of the integer are appended in twos complement, little endian order, unsigned for all x. Returns the modified buffer. Will throw an error if the buffer overflows.
Community Examples

buffer/slice cfunction source
(buffer/slice bytes &opt start end)

Takes a slice of a byte sequence from start to end. The range is half open, [start, end). Indexes can also be negative, indicating indexing from the end of the end of the array. By default, start is 0 and end is the length of the buffer. Returns a new buffer.
Community Examples

buffer/trim cfunction source
(buffer/trim buffer)

Set the backing capacity of the buffer to the current length of the buffer. Returns the modified buffer.
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