Janet 1.12.2-b91fe8b Documentation
(Other Versions: 1.11.1 1.10.1 1.9.1 1.8.1 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.1 )

Type Array Module


tarray/buffer tarray/copy-bytes tarray/length tarray/new tarray/properties tarray/slice tarray/swap-bytes

tarray/buffer cfunction
(tarray/buffer array|size)

Return typed array buffer or create a new buffer.
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tarray/copy-bytes cfunction
(tarray/copy-bytes src sindex dst dindex &opt count)

Copy count elements (default 1) of src array from index sindex to dst array at position dindex memory can overlap.
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tarray/length cfunction
(tarray/length array|buffer)

Return typed array or buffer size.
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tarray/new cfunction
(tarray/new type size &opt stride offset tarray|buffer)

Create new typed array.
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tarray/properties cfunction
(tarray/properties array)

Return typed array properties as a struct.
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tarray/slice cfunction
(tarray/slice tarr &opt start end)

Takes a slice of a typed array from start to end. The range is half open, [start, end). Indexes can also be negative, indicating indexing from the end of the end of the typed array. By default, start is 0 and end is the size of the typed array. Returns a new janet array.
Community Examples

tarray/swap-bytes cfunction
(tarray/swap-bytes src sindex dst dindex &opt count)

Swap count elements (default 1) between src array from index sindex and dst array at position dindex memory can overlap.
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